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MONDAY 03/23/2015

Things We Found #1


Stepping into the digital age, Reuters, one of the largest news organizations released Reuters TV, an on-demand streaming news app that’s likely to get you saying, “Hold on, it’s time for the news.”


The app blends brilliant graphics and transitions with a smooth user interface, and mixes in a custom feed of news based on user preferences. Not only does the app look sweet, it makes watching the news bearable – or dare we say it, enjoyable.




The backstory is pretty cool, too. Reuters took a step outside of the box and let their creative team make the executive decisions. No back-and-forth from management meant the team members had to play all positions in the app’s development.




The side project of designer Bryan James, In Pieces, is a digital exhibition of 30 endangered animals using morphing polygons to stretch the limit of modern coding ability.




The site’s design – created with good ol’ CSS – evolves beautifully from species to species and peppers in a dose of learning while it’s at it. The animal title doubles as a link to endangerment stats and there’s a “what’s the threat?” button that can fill you in. The slideshow view gives the best visual of the morphing polys. It’s found in the left side nav next to the sound on/off button (you’re welcome).




So typically, CSS is the method of choice for formatting HTML style for an entire site, but for In Pieces James used morphing CSS polygons. These are a set of coordinates that define your shape – triangle, square, really any polygon you can think up.

Here’s what we’re talking about: -webkit-clip-path:
polygon( 40% 40%, 50% 60%, 60% 40% );

The code isn’t super appealing, but the site speaks for itself. Check it out here.




Gretel, the design studio that tackled rebranding for the IFC channel, put out a great – and detailed – case study of the creative process to bring awareness to the channel’s expanded roster of original content.



The study is wonderfully captured and full of cool gifs and nuggets of info. Make a note to give the IFC logo evolution a look while you’re there.




The Dance Never Ends, a campaign sprung from the imaginative minds of Golden Wolf, a London-based animation and motion graphics studio, links the NBA’s current stars to their college routes by weaving game film with colorful motion graphics.

Taking current game film and adding some hand-drawn graphics over the players makes for an awesome playful feel to the videos. The videos have been running for just a short time, but are already seeing good feedback.








This event, Nike Air Max Day, was centered around Nike’s previously unreleased Nike Air Max Zero and launched a global celebration taking social media’s center stage with stunning original and fan-generated content.

The campaign packaged together a fresh helping of original content with some perfectly timed social posts to grab the attention of the masses. Site updates, and Air Max retro branding were aimed at intense sneaker fans, while their #airmaxday efforts reached deeper.

These insanely cool motion graphics were released a few weeks before the event.

Probably the best part of the campaign was Nike’s social push with the #airmaxday tag. Fan-submitted cinemagraphs popped up from all over the world and #airmaxday was a trending topic. The tag pulled in almost 60,000 tweets overnight and rolled-in over 7 million impressions.

These are some of the sweet fan cinemagraphs that came from the event.

Nike was able to make sneakerheads of the entire world for a day, pretty inspiring stuff.





Things We Make #1


The Lava Lamp